Week 6 part 1

1.My Online persona  
 believe people have many personas they want to be seen in different ways by different people. That’s why I find human interaction interesting  
I feel Like you can never actually make an online character look exactly like you because we don't have the advanced technology, don’t get me wrong it can look similar to you. Also people are always criticizing the way they look and if they didn’t like something about themselves looks wise, they probably wouldn’t put it on a character, same with personality traits if you have been criticized for being to outgoing your not going to want to make your character outgoing. 
When people meet new people its always an opportunity to reinvent yourself and leave the impression you want to leave, however in most cases I think this fails because you cant pretend to be someone your not ,not fully anyway . 
People can present themselves however they want on social media as they have control on what people see. My online persona isn't really that different I don’t think to my real self I'm quite a joker and I think that sometimes comes through on my social media but its hard to show your personality on paper which is basically what u do on social media, when you present your self in person its only to a certain amount of people at a time where as when your on social media everyone can see how you present yourself because you cant control the people that will see your posts 
Also I Dont think I could include everything in an online persona about myself because interacting with people online is a completely different experience to in person as online u lack physical contact and emotion . Posts on Instagram or Facebook won't tell your life story and who u are as a person unless you document it all but even then I don’t think people would like to have that high level of information/life story online for everyone to see. 


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