Week 10

Contact producer  
Personally I prefer to produce videos or photos and room designs rather than essays and blogs it's just not really my thing I feel like I struggle with producing good work especially writing work because of my dyslexia so I'm kind of I've always been put off  writing  because I just accepted that I wasn't good at it, this blog Has kinda helped me realize I actually can do more than I expected even  if I have to read over my work 1000 times to makesure it makes sense and this blog's actually been quite personal And I definitely prefer writing my own opinion about stuff rather than having to describsomeone elses opinion I feel a lot better about describing my own opinion and experiences which are quite personal with a blog . I feel like i'm a really creative person when it comes to other things that just doesn’t involve writing or reading, but I do have respect for people that do produce writing content as I believe it’s a form of art  I just feel it’s a struggle for me to enjoy it. This blog is also been quite challenging as I've had to re edit a lot of my work because I've noticed spelling mistakes or sentences that don't make sense like I'll randomly read over my work my have to rewrite some of that and republish it and the dates all got mixed up . Overall I've kind of enjoyed expressing my own opinion and I did like doing the group project on coming up with visuals for that and what ive learned about it is quite interesting. 
 I think a content producer produces anything and it can be from art to writing a book to designing a car I think the word content has unlimited meaning as content is like anything. 


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